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The latest news and views from the Bennetts team

Featuring the latest news on the coffee industry and business insight from senior members of the Bennetts team.

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Welcome to the August edition of our coffee newsletter!

This month is jam packed as we delve into the latest coffee market trends, reflect on our Origin Trip to Brazil, invite you to an unmissable Bennetts and Swiss Water event, and a quick reminder about this month’s CaféSmart initiative!

So, sit back, grab your favourite brew, and enjoy what we have to offer in this month’s newsletter.


If any of these terms in the market report are confusing, we urge you to use Investopedia to make sense of them. We have found it to be a brilliant tool when learning about all things trading, futures and currency.

The month of trading for July was like that of Australian swimming hero Ariane Titmus’ performance in the 400m Freestyle at the Olympics. Started off with a bang, gained momentum and then coasted in the latter stages to claim gold… although we don’t know if the end of month closing level for the C at 229.20c/lb would be considered gold... but we digress. 

The Sep24 terminal managed to break the range bound (220c/lb – 235c/lb) market that typified the previous 6 weeks of trading. Despite touching the month low of 219.05c/lb on the opening day of trading, we saw a rally of more than 35c/lb to the month high of 255.30c/lb. Since that point on the 11th of the month, the market trended downward with much less volatility than seen in the first half of the month.  

July 2024 NY C Graph

Considering the Robusta and Arabica markets are intrinsically linked due to their somewhat substitutability (don’t get me wrong, consumers would notice a difference if their favourite blend contained 50% more robusta… or the other way around) which is setting the landscape of movements in the C price. Robusta is leading the price charge and supporting Arabica as it goes through the arbitrage strategies of the speculators and traders. 

Arbitrage is when speculators or traders identify the respective markets as under or over-valued from their historical or expected norms and take a position to cash in on this discrepancy. This meant that over the month of July the Robusta and Arabica markets have moved in relative lockstep, largely driven by tightness in global supply of Robusta.

Another supportive factor for the markets is the upcoming EU Deforestation Regulations. This has resulted in increased market activity as EU based roasters look to extend their coverage before their mandate begins at the end of 2024. Over in Brazil, the harvest is reported to be approximately 70% completed, which means plenty of availability in country. Yet not everyone is seeing eye-to-eye on what the price to transact should be. With Brazilian producers well capitalised, there isn’t much pressure for them to sell unless they see a juicy price for their stocks. As the Brazilian Real has seen more weakness over the past couple of weeks and continued volatility in the C, there are still opportunities to do business, but nothing big enough to believe there is a major downside to the market as we write this.

  Robusta London Market Graph July 24'

Taking a moment to reflect on the Robusta market, in the space of just of just over 4 years of trading, Robusta has seen its lowest and highest prices ever traded. Back in April of 2020 Robusta traded 1,109 USD/MT (it was a weird time back then… after all, crude oil was trading at negative values at the time) and on the 11th of July we saw Robusta traded at 4,681 USD/MT. A stark $3,572 USD/MT gap which translates to a 162.36c/lb difference.

A quick note to finish on for the Australian coffee industry: Over the past couple of weeks or so we have seen the AUD devalue from nearly 68 cents to the USD down to 65 cents. A few factors are at play in this; lower commodity prices, weakness in the Chinese economy, and strength in the USD ahead of some of their main economic prints. This sort of movement will continue to support prices locally, even if the coffee futures markets drop.


Our recent origin trip to Brazil was a journey filled with insightful experiences and key learnings about the current state of the coffee industry. Some of our main goals for this trip were to understand the current screen size issue in Brazil, find out about the upcoming harvest expectations, the future forecasts for next year’s crop, and of course cup some new and exciting coffee developments.

Throughout our journey across Brazil's lush coffee-growing regions, we encountered a wealth of innovative practices aimed at enhancing both yield and quality. The impact of climate conditions was a recurring theme, with high temperatures and low rainfall during the growing period leading to smaller bean sizes and affecting the overall quality of the harvest. Despite these challenges, there is a strong sense of optimism for the future, bolstered by predictions of a significant increase in next year's yield as trees recover from the 2019 frost damage and benefit from improved weather conditions.

The commitment to quality was evident in the detailed harvesting and processing techniques we observed. Innovations such as controlled fermentation processes and the development of specialty lots are making substantial contributions to improving cup quality. These efforts are crucial as a significant portion of the coffee produced is destined for export, with more overseas markets favouring specialty and higher quality coffees.

Our visits to various facilities highlighted not only impressive infrastructure but also a strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Developments in sustainable practices and programs are becoming increasingly common, reflecting a broader commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of coffee production. Additionally, educational initiatives aimed at supporting the children of workers underscore a long-term investment in the community's future.

Cupping sessions across different regions showcased the high quality and diversity of Brazilian coffee. Standout lots demonstrated the unique flavours and characteristics that different microclimates and processing methods can yield, reinforcing Brazil's reputation as a top coffee producer. We also had the privilege of learning firsthand the difference in profiles across smaller and larger bean sizes, which we often found to be quite minor, despite what many first thought.

Overall, the trip was immensely valuable, providing deep insights that will inform our sourcing decisions moving forward. The dedication and innovative spirit we witnessed promise a bright future for the coffee industry in Brazil. These experiences have reinforced our strategic partnerships and our commitment to offering the highest quality coffee to you, our customers. The blend of tradition and innovation we observed ensures that Brazilian coffee will continue to thrive and meet the evolving demands of the global market.

We look forward to sharing more about our trip in an upcoming detailed report later in the year, alongside some more recent social posts – so stay tuned for these!

Fazenda Passeio - Brazil - 2024


We are delighted to host Swiss Water CEO, Frank Dennis, for an afternoon to discuss all things Decaf.

The afternoon will kick off with a short presentation from Frank Dennis, followed by the chance to enjoy some cocktails/mocktails, and batch brews, showcasing Swiss Water and its versatility. Light snacks to be provided.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about Swiss Water and the decaf market in Australia, alongside the chance to catch up with industry peers, old and new.

Event details:
Thursday 8th August
3pm – 5.30pm
Skinny Dog Hotel, Kew, Victoria.

RSVP only. With very limited spots still available, secure your free tickets here

We look forward to welcoming you all!


Don’t forget – this month we are celebrating CaféSmart from the 10th – 16th of August!

This year, CaféSmart has over 700 cafes joining across Australia, all coming together and acting against homelessness. Here is how you can help:

Click on the StreetSmart hub here, check out the interactive map and find your local CaféSmart venue.  Head down and donate the cost of a coffee via the QR codes in store on Friday the 16th of August. Simple! $1 from every coffee goes towards ending homelessness across Australia.

This year, with the rising cost of living and the rental crisis, many people end up sleeping in tents, caravans and in their cars. CaféSmarts small community grants are needed now more than ever.

If you would like to learn more or register your café or roastery today, head to café smart.

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