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New arrivals: Colombian single-farmer project 121s fresh in!

Through our Project 121 program, we help roasters to build an exclusive relationship with a farmer at origin. Here are the stories behind the lots we've recently received from our Colombian partners...

We’re excited to say that we have received our first ever batch of Colombian Project 121 coffees!

Project 121 is a program that enables roasters to build direct relationships with producers, and the opportunity to develop lasting, secure connections. To achieve this, we partner a farmer at origin with a local roaster, whom then becomes the exclusive purveyor of that farmer’s coffee in Australia.

Our Colombian Project 121 participants are all members of the CENCOIC co-operative. They’ve produced some beautiful coffees this year- all of which are very limited, so get in quick! 
Sneak a peek below and contact us via trading@hab.com.au for more info.

Aristides Nene Guetoto
A newcomer to the CENCOIC Co-operative, Mr. Aristides Guetoto has brought an exceptional 85.25 point-scoring coffee to the table. By making sure his coffee is only picked when it is ripest, then pulped on the same day before being fermented for 22 hours, he brings out high, sweet blackcurrant fruit notes and acidity, a juicy body, and a rich, syrupy, rum-and-spice finish. Take a closer look here.
Score: 85.25

Victoria Inés Cardona Yotumbo
With a property covering only 0.6 hectares, we’re feeling lucky to have gotten our hands on some of Mrs. Yotumbo’s crop this year. Located on the indigenous reservation of Laguna Siberia in Cauca at 1800 MASL, her farm, Los Tres Pinos (in Spanish, ‘Three Pines Farm’), produces a complex cup. It offers blackcurrant, apple, and toffee notes in the front, spiked with stone fruit acidity and flavour, followed by baker’s cocoa in the finish. Check it out here.
Score: 83.5

Antonio Bototo Guetoto
Mr. Antonio Guetoto and his wife, Rosario Pichicue Chocue, live on their farm El Mirador with their four children. Two of the little ones are still studying, while the others have completed school and now help with the family’s coffee cultivation. Mr Guetoto is a proud speaker of his native native language, Nasayuwe. 
Cupping with a juicy, tea-like body, sweet currants, and green apple acidity, this coffee finishes in delicate vanilla and toffee – click here for more info.
Score: 85

Elsa Patricia Cardona Yotumbo
Ms. Elsa Yotumbo lives on the Laguna Siberia indigenous reservation on her small, 0.68 hectare farm, El Guayacan. In addition to growing coffee as her main source of income, Mrs. Yotumbo is also a health worker in the local community. 
Her new crop lot offers a clean, linear cup packing a bright orange acidity and stonefruit flavour, then moving into soft clove, cedar, spice, and lingering toffee notes.
Score: 83

Felix Guetio Guetoto
Mr Felix Guetoto lives with his wife and three children on their farm, Granja Cristalina, on the Indigenous Reservation of San Lorenzo Caldono. This washed lot has a profile dripping in toffee and caramel, boasts a medium body with tart, nectarine acidity, and ends in a soft, nutty finish. With only three 70kg sacks available, it’s a rare treat. Click here for more info.

Score: 82.25

If you'd like to know more about Project 121, or get more information on these coffees, email us at trading@hab.com.au.
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